Vulnerability Research

05 Mar 2023

SandboxEscaper had a really useful and nice blog post on finding vulnerabilites, but it appears to have been deleted unfortunately. I’ve tried using to find an archived copy of it, but it was fruitless. I thought posting what I recall from it might be useful for others.

  1. Manually searching might lead to some vulns that aren’t found with fuzzers or scanners that most other researchers use.
  2. Testing if n-days were actually patched, and looking for bypasses might be fruitful.
  3. Looking around where 0/n-days where found in the past might be fruitful.
  4. Reading writeups from respectable researchers such as Project Zero members to learn and try to build an exploit from past n-days.

My tips: Read Windows Internals (the book), WinAPI (Microsoft Docs), Intel’s assembly manauls, and Practical Reverse Engineering (book).